Can the tear of the popliteomeniscal ligament affect the stability of the lateral meniscus? A multiphase study
Project objectives
The study in question has multiple objectives and is divided into three phases. The first phase (anatomical on cadaver) will be appropriate first of all to study the anatomy and biomechanical properties of the popliteomeniscal fascicles on cadavers and secondly, to evaluate the biomechanical alteration of the lateral compartment after the rupture of one or both fascicles . The second phase has as its objective the evaluation of biomechanical tests after the repair of the files with a system patented by the Smith & Nephew company "FAST-FIX": meniscal repair system on cadavers. The final phase consists in designing a randomized clinical trial in which the arthroscopic "all inside" technique is compared with the open "inside-out" technique for the reconstruction of the fascicles.
Start and end date
23/04/2014 - In progress
Project managers
- Prof. Vincenzo Denaro
- Prof. Rocco Papalia
Coordinating institution of the project
Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma
Funding source
Smith & Nephew