

Integrated Management of Safety and Security Synergies in Seveso Plants

Project Objectives

The growing threats linked to phenomena such as digitalisation and terrorist incidents, including cyber terrorism, are posing new challenges for the safety and protection of plants subject to significant risk (Seveso). These challenges require the convergence of safety and security management, an urgent request in the chemical and process industry. The Saf€ra 4STER project aimed firstly to identify the fundamental characteristics of integrated safety and security management, considering case studies based on interviews with regulatory authorities, field workers, safety and security experts in companies. Secondly, the project investigated the attitudes and awareness of the European process industry regarding cyber and physical security threats and employee safety in the workplace. Finally, the project characterised the most significant reference scenarios, using risk analysis techniques such as event trees and consequence analysis models. The results of the project led to the development of guidelines for the integrated management of safety and security in Seveso plants and to a series of specific tools for the identification of intentional event scenarios.

Official website:

Start/End Date

2019 - 2021

Principle Investigator

Ing. Gabriele Oliva

Host Institution

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd

Other institutions involved

Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma

Università degli Studi di Bologna (UNIBO)


Source of funding

Bando Europeo Saf€ra, co-finanziato da INAIL
