The functions: evaluation and guidance
Together with the traditional competences attributed to the Evaluation Units by the legislative provisions in force (in particular Law 537/93, Law 370/99 and 240/2010 and Legislative Decree n.19/2012) - the Ministerial Decree 987/2016 and subsequent amendments assigns the following functions to the Evaluation Units:
- expresses a binding opinion to the University on possession of the requirements for initial accreditation for the purpose of establishing new study courses
- verify the correct functioning of the QA system and provide support to ANVUR and MIUR in monitoring compliance with the initial and periodic Accreditation requirements of Courses and Locations
- provide support to the governing bodies of the University and to ANVUR in monitoring the results achieved with respect to the indicators for periodic evaluation, as well as to the University in developing further indicators for the achievement of the objectives of its strategic planning, also on the basis of indicators identified by the CPDS
The NdV defines the general methodology of the University QA and evaluates it. It also evaluates on a five-year basis, on a rolling basis, the functioning of the MCs and Departments through the analysis of the results, resorting, where appropriate and necessary, to hearings. The NdV verifies the implementation in the CdS and in the Departments of the recommendations and conditions formulated by the CEV during external visits; in the presence of critical elements, it may request the drafting of close cyclical Review Reports.
The NdV draws up an annual evaluation report according to the guidelines issued by the ANVUR, in which it reports compliance with the QA requirements, the measures taken by the University in relation to the CdS deemed "anomalous" based on monitoring, as well as the initiatives taken to promote quality. In general, in the Report, the NdV acquires and possibly integrates the ANVUR monitoring data on the CdS and evaluates the CdS.
In the Annual Report immediately preceding the expiry of the first three years from the last periodic Accreditation of the Site (or in any case before the expiry of the periodic Accreditation), the NdV will report with reference to the overcoming of the recommendations and conditions set by the CEV on the CdS subject to visit ; the report, drawn up on the model prepared by the ANVUR, will report on the measures and improvement actions implemented for their resolution and must be attached to the Annual Report of the NdV. On this occasion, the NdV is called to report to the ANVUR also the CdS with serious problems in the light of the internal evaluation activity of the last five years. This information will be used by ANVUR in the remote evaluation, for the purpose of extending the periodic accreditation of the study programmes.
The interlocutors of the Evaluation Unit are:
- within the University, the Governing Bodies and the Quality Assurance
- outside the University, MIUR and ANVUR
The Evaluation Unit communicates with its interlocutors in the ways and within the times explicitly established by the regulations and, in particular, through the Annual Report. In any case, it is the responsibility of the Evaluation Unit to promptly report to its interlocutors any critical issues even outside the ways and times explicitly provided for by the regulations.