
BIOPMEAT: From the lab to the table through bioengineering models: process optimization for increasing the mass of bioprintable meat – Regione Lazio PR FSE 2021-2027

Project objectives

 BIOPMEAT is a RSI project on bioprinting for the production of cultured meat for food. To date, the survival, proliferation and differentiation of bioprinted cells in thick constructs are not guaranteed, making the process inefficient. The goal is to increase the maximum thickness of functional bioprinted constructs (from 3 mm to 3 cm) by engineering the applied mechanobiological stimuli. Virtual models of the process evolution will be combined with submillimetric sensing techniques to monitor and optimize the process in real-time. This approach will replace the current trial-and-error in a corporate sustainability strategy. The success of BIOPMEAT, achieved through the well-established collaboration between Tor Vergata University and Campus Bio-Medico, will lead to results that will be enhanced by the commercialization of new products and services in Agrifood Tech that respect the priorities of the Green Economy.

BIOPMEAT is a RSI project on bioprinting for the production of cultured meat in the food sector. To date, the survival, proliferation and differentiation of bioprinted cells in thick constructs are not guaranteed, making the process inefficient. The goal is the increase of the maximum thickness of functional bioprinted constructs (from 3 mm to 3 cm) through the engineering of the applied mechanobiological stimuli. Virtual models of process evolution will be combined with submillimeter sensor techniques to monitor and optimize the process in real-time. This approach will replace the current trial-and-error approach in a corporate sustainability strategy. The success of BIOPMEAT, achieved through the well-established collaboration between the Tor Vergata University and the Campus Bio-Medico, will lead to results that will be enhanced by the marketing of new products and services in Agrifood Tech that respect the priorities of the Green Economy.

Start and end date

 7 / 2021-9 / 2023

Project Manager

Alessio Gizzi, WP Leader

Coordinating institution of the project

University of Tor Vergata

Other Institutions involved

Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma

Funding source(s).

Lazio Region PR FSE 2021-2027


