STIMBOY, a robot for transcranial stimulation
From Di Pino's ERC Starting Grant RESHAPE project, the cutting-edge prototype
August 5 2020
INAIL and UCBM, together for research on upper limb implantable systems
The two frontier projects for biomedical research
July 27 2020
137th Italian Gallop Derby, UCBM sponsor
3 jockeys run with the smart shirt designed by University researchers
July 10 2020
The robot UCBM at work in the Covid Center
The Robotics team's project improves the lives of healthcare workers
May 11, 2020
3 female researchers awarded by the Baroni Foundation
The projects dedicated to treatment and rehabilitation in the field of disability and neuroscience win
February 22 2020
UCBM opens the 26th Academic Year, honoris causa to Paolo Dario
In the pipeline Nuclear Medicine, Genetic Laboratory and DEA in 2020
November 28, 2018
Prosthesis, innovative intervention in the Polyclinic on a young amputee
After rehabilitation, the 27-year-old will be able to control her entire artificial arm in thought
June 15 2018
Campus party, free top passes up for grabs
In Milan from 18 to 22 July to meet companies and institutions
May 29, 2018
Upper limbs: the brain thinks, the prosthesis performs
In UCBM the pioneer of targeted muscle reinnervation, Todd Kuiken, gave a lectio magistralis
May 18, 2018