
Biomedical Engineering (L-8)

The Biomedical Engineering Degree Course (class L 8) is offered entirely in English and was designed to train a professional who is able to fit into highly differentiated and rapidly evolving production realities, such as those in the biomedical sector. The professional profile that the degree course intends to train is that of a professional able to operate in the public and private sectors to cover roles at the level of junior designer and expert user of biomedical technologies. The educational path also allows students to continue their studies with access to Master's Degrees or University Masters in order to deepen their skills through highly qualified courses in specific fields.

The Degree Course uses engineering methodologies and technologies to describe, understand and solve problems of medical-biological interest through a close interdisciplinary collaboration between the Departmental Faculties of Engineering and Medicine and Surgery of the University. The interaction with the environment, the engineering of new materials, prostheses and artificial organs, biomedical equipment and instruments, the treatment of biomedical images and signals, ICT applications, represent an essential contribution to progress by stimulating important investments and creating job opportunities. The initial part of the educational path (I and II year) is strongly oriented towards a basic preparation, in which the student acquires the essential elements of the scientific disciplines which constitute the indispensable foundations of Engineering studies. The basics of mathematics, physics and chemistry are accompanied, in the first year, by the teaching of Physiology and anatomy (provided by teachers of the Departmental Faculty of Medicine and Surgery) which constitutes the foundation for the specific contents of subsequent biomedical engineering courses. In the final part of the course (III year), students are provided with up-to-date tools and methods for solving analysis/design problems relevant to Biomedical Engineering. The methodological rigor of the setting of the basic teachings is aimed at developing the student's aptitude for logical-scientific reasoning.

Among the didactic activities, as for all the Degree and Master's Degree Courses of the University, there are teachings that aim to provide the conceptual tools, borrowed from ethical, deontological, epistemological and historical-philosophical principles and methods, which contribute to the formation of a critical spirit of the student. 

The presence of teaching laboratories and research laboratories allows the student to carry out experimental training activities that integrate the theoretical knowledge acquired through institutional teachings.

Junior Biomedical Engineer

This is a highly demanding course which will open many career opportunities across numerous medical fields.

At the end of the Biomedical Engineering degree course, graduates will be able to work in companies involved in the design and production of biomedical devices and hospital information systems with project management functions, design with standardized methodologies of single organs or single components of machines, plants and systems , production management, operation of machines and plants, supervision of production activities, assurance of compliance with quality standards, and collaboration in the activities carried out by master engineers. Biomedical Engineering graduates will also be able to operate, with a junior profile, in the commercial sector both in the phase of defining the specifications of electro-medical devices and in the phase of assistance, training and/or customer support. He will also be able to collaborate with professionals in the healthcare sector, for the performance of tasks concerning the management, testing and maintenance of electro-medical devices, the management of technical services and ICT services within hospitals and healthcare facilities. He will also be able to deal with normative and regulatory aspects of biomedical technologies and equipment.

Graduates in Biomedical Engineering, by acquiring further skills through the continuation of their studies, will be able to reach greater levels of responsibility.

Skills associated with the function:

To carry out the functions described above, specific skills in the technical-scientific and engineering fields and specific transversal skills are required, which the student will acquire during the course of study. The course delivered entirely in English will allow graduates to carry out their profession also in an international context.

At the end of the training course, the student must be able to:

  • apply engineering methodologies and technologies to medical-biological problems;
  • apply the fundamentals of bioengineering in the fields of electronics, information technology, automation;
  • analytically describe, simulate, analyze and solve problems of medical-biological interest;
  • formalize a problem in terms of specifications, resources and constraints;
  • propose modifications to the components of a biomedical system in order to improve its performance and functionality;
  • evaluate the performance of biomedical devices and systems
  • manage biomedical data acquisition and processing systems
  • evaluate the costs/benefits associated with the use of a specific biomedical technology, in compliance with current legislation.

Whether continuing with continuity studies or entering the world of work, graduates in Biomedical Engineering must be able to work in multidisciplinary teams and communicate and relate effectively with colleagues and other professionals, also in English.

The course prepares for the profession of Junior Biomedical Engineer. Graduates in Biomedical Engineering can work in companies that operate in the production of medical devices, equipment and systems, biomaterials, in vitro medical diagnostic devices and active implantable medical devices.

Biomedical Engineering graduates will also be able to work in healthcare facilities and/or in companies that provide global services in the testing of electro-medical devices and in the management of (preventive and corrective) maintenance of the aforementioned equipment, and in the commercial sector of electro-medical device companies . They may also be included in hospitals and healthcare facilities with tasks of collaboration with professionals in the healthcare field.

President of the Course
