Culture is innovation, sustainability and well-being: prof Laura De Gara

28 February 2022 - UCBM at Expo Dubai 2020. After long months marked by the emergency, the universal exposition underway in Dubai sends out a very important signal of reopening and revitalizing international trade. The conference was held on Thursday 17 February 2022 in the Italian pavilion Amphitheater of the Expo "Precision Agriculture for territorial competitiveness and environmental sustainability" to focus attention on the country's internationalization process through Italian excellence in the agri-food sector and various research fields. The meeting was made by Lazio Innovates in collaboration with theUniversity of Tuscia, Ismea e e-Geos (Company controlled by the Leonardo Group and owned by the Italian Space Agency). Event host the prof Laura De Gara, Dean of the Departmental Faculty of Sciences and Technologies for Man and the Environment ofUniversità Campus Bio-Medico di Roma.

"To advance in agricultural research and also in technology transfer in a significant way - said prof De Gara - the research activity UCBM which takes advantage of new technologies focuses on nutrition and health. FoodTherapy means nutrition to support health. Today, with innovative agricultural techniques, we are able to modulate plant metabolism by producing foods that are particularly rich in substances that are positive for health. We are also committed to identifying crops that are more resilient to climate change, an area in which the field application of sensors and phenotyping systems, the acquisition of information through drones and satellites and the use of machine learning and intelligence artificial that by integrating all the information obtained gives decision support to the operator to improve agricultural productivity by reducing the use of fertilizers and pesticides". 

L'Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma is actively committed to train the professionals of tomorrow and to be able to deliver to future generations an environment that is still sustainable and livable. "Today, consumers are increasingly attentive to the binomial food - health and to sustainability issues. To deal with these issues there is a need for professionals who know how to work in multidisciplinary contexts. Our Departmental Faculty of Science and Technology for Man and the Environment is designed for multidisciplinarity: it trains nutritionists and food technologists working in collaboration with the Departmental Faculty of Medicine and Surgery but also with the Departmental Faculty of Engineering" said Prof De Gara. 

>> Watch the video of prof.ssa De Gara