Together to ensure increasingly safe and accessible environments according to principles of fairness and sustainability

To study climate change and sustainability; biodiversity; environmental fate and sustainable food; metagenomics, antibiotic resistance; biomedical, information technology and robotics engineering for the development of research, innovation and training activities in the sector of the relationship between the environment and health following a One Health approach attracting young talent through the collaboration in teaching activities, the development of higher education courses and support for PhD scholarships: these are the objectives of the memorandum of understanding stipulated between ISPRA, Higher Institute for Environmental Protection, e Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, lasting 3 years.

At the signing were present prof. Eugenio Guglielmelli, UCBM Rector, Andrea Rossi, Chief Executive Officer and General Manager UCBM, Stefano Laporta, ISPRA president and Maria Siclari, ISPRA General Manager.

UCBM includes the Departmental Faculties of Science and Technology for Sustainable Development and One Health, of Engineering and Medicine and Surgery, with 53 Research Unit, who carry out basic and applied research in the fields of life sciences, engineering, food sciences, sustainable development and one-health, life cycle assessment, green and circular economy, bioeconomy. It offers educational facilities, cutting-edge research and innovation connected with the Campus Bio-Medico University Hospital Foundation and within the Decima Malafede Regional Nature Reserve for an integrated training of the professional and the person.

ISPRA, in addition to the activities of its mandate in environmental matters, promotes and supports a global health strategy, environment and climate change, also through the study and monitoring of external factors related to the onset of diseases.

Joint mission of ISPRA and UCBM is the promotion of interdisciplinarity in research and training, with particular reference to the areas that contribute to the protection of the environment and human health. With this protocol, they intend to help ensure increasingly safe and accessible environments according to principles of equity and sustainability, pursuing the good of the citizen, all living beings and the environment as their ultimate goal.