Curricular internships in the healthcare sector
This section contains the requirements and general rules for access to curricular internships in the healthcare sector (valid for all degree courses).
It is possible to attend curricular internships in the healthcare sector only if:
1. you are up to date with the payment of registration fees;
2. the mandatory safety and workplace training activities have been completed;
3. the health surveillance procedures necessary to obtain the Judgment of Suitability for the specific job have been completed with a positive outcome
4. any documents requested by the Health Area Internships and Agreements Office have been delivered within the deadlines communicated to the interested parties.
Curricular internships take place according to the calendar defined every six months by the Health Area Internships and Agreements Office.
The calendars are published on the University e-learning platform and/or shared with the Student Representatives of each year of the course for each Degree Course.
The curricular internship calendars are generally made known a few weeks in advance of their start and students must follow the schedule communicated by the relevant office. Exchanges or changes to internship shifts are not possible based on the students' personal needs.
Curricular internships normally take place from Monday to Saturday according to the times indicated in the specific calendars, previously agreed with the Internship Coordinators, and vary depending on the relevant Degree Course.
Attendance at curricular internship activities in the healthcare sector is mandatory; as regards the rules of attendance, please refer to the indications that will be communicated by the Coordinators of each internship.
The attendance of curricular internships for degree course internships relating to the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery is monitored by means of the Internship Booklet, which can be collected by students from the Health Area Internships and Agreements Office before the start of the internship activities.
The Internship Booklet represents an official document that must be kept with the utmost care by interns for the entire duration of their course.
The attendance of the internship is traced in the Booklet by signing the intern and the Internship Coordinator or the Clinical Tutor after each round of curricular internship, together with the indication of the hours of curricular internship carried out.
Failure to attend the internship in whole or in part may result in the need to recover the internship according to the procedure described in the INTERNSHIP RECOVERY section.
The Internship Booklet also represents a tool for mapping the skills acquired by the intern as part of the activities carried out during the internship.
For the Master's Degree Course in Food Sciences and Human Nutrition, the frequency of the internship and the skills acquired by the intern with respect to the training objectives are monitored through the Internship/Thesis Evaluation Form, provided by the Internships and Agreements Area Office Health care to the intern and the tutor before the start of the activities.
All interns will receive detailed information on where to go in the days before the start of the internships as well as on the times to follow to carry out their curricular internship shifts.
To take part in the internships, we recommend maximum punctuality and possession of the mandatory documentation, also accepted in digital form (Judgment of Suitability, Mandatory training certificate on safety and health at work, Personal identity document, University badge), which may be requested. to the intern at all times for the entire duration of the internship.
The intern must present himself with his own personal gown (only for students of the Degree Courses for which this equipment is provided by the University, according to the procedure described in the section RULES FOR CLOTHING DURING THE INTERNSHIP) To collect the FFP2 and of the "STUDENT" pin it is necessary to contact the Health Area Internships and Agreements Office on the days and times that can be consulted in the INTERNSHIP AND REFERENCES OFFICE section.
During the internship activity, interns must maintain behavior suited to the professional role for which they are training and the environment in which they find themselves.
The internship may be interrupted at any time in the event of inappropriate behavior that violates rights or fails to comply with the ethical criteria of the structure in which it takes place or for reasons related to the health situation and/or events that make it inappropriate or impossible for the internship to take place. in safe conditions.
All students undertaking healthcare internships are therefore required to:
- follow the instructions of the facility managers and the clinical tutors responsible for supervising them;
- respect the entry and exit times scheduled for your internship shift and communicate any absences to the relevant tutor adequately in advance;
- maintain correct and respectful relationships with everyone;
- comply with company regulations and rules regarding hygiene, safety and health in the workplace;
- respect the confidentiality obligations with regard to data and information of which one becomes aware (as regards the Fondazione Policlinico Campus Bio-Medico of Rome, it is necessary to download the PRIVACY CLAUSE to be signed and sent to the Clinical Management Secretariat at the address email [email protected] before the start of the internship);
- follow the instructions of the clinical tutor or the manager in charge of supervising the internship;
- wear clothing appropriate to the professional dignity of a future doctor/nurse/physiotherapist/technician/nutritionist, wearing a white coat (over the overall or civilian clothes) in the clinical activity rooms and common areas. In the operating block and in the diagnostic services, it is recommended to wear only the overalls;
- address patients with the utmost respect, avoiding improper familiarity; the same consideration must also be used in dealing with the healthcare personnel of the departments and clinical services of the structures where the internship takes place;
- avoid smoking except in areas of healthcare facilities specifically designated for this activity.
Interns attending the healthcare internship must wear the gown provided by the University as described below.
All interns of the Degree Courses belonging to the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery are summoned well in advance of the start of their internship by the Health Area Internships and Agreements Office to take measures relating to the making of the personal gown, which will be provided from the University's Basic Services.
Once the gown has been collected, the intern must take the utmost care of it and keep it for the entire duration of the university course.
The gown is provided free of charge by the University once and only once and there are no replacements for damage, loss or size changes of the gown requested by the student.
Loans are not granted from the Polyclinic Cloakroom for interns who occasionally forget to bring their personal gown to the internship.
As regards students of degree courses not related to the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery who must carry out an internship in the healthcare sector or occasionally attend hospital environments at the Campus Bio-Medico Polyclinic or other affiliated structure, the supply of gowns is not foreseen personal.
The methods of acquiring any PPE (disposable gowns, masks, etc) for these students will be agreed directly with the Coordinators.
To make up for a curricular internship following absences dictated by serious and proven reasons, the intern must contact the Health Area Internships and Agreements Office to agree on the times and methods of recovery.
Generally speaking, make-ups take place at the end of the standard internship period (i.e. when all groups of interns have completed their curricular internship) or in any case according to the timing and methods that will be assessed on a case-by-case basis by the Coordinators.
The University is required to comply with the safety obligations established by the Italian legislation on safety at work pursuant to Legislative Decree 81/08 and subsequent amendments.
Students who carry out internships in the healthcare sector are treated as workers when exposed to specific risks such as those found during this type of training activity.
Therefore all students UCBM who carry out an internship in the healthcare sector must first undergo health surveillance according to the methods described below.
Health surveillance consists of a medical check which includes blood chemistry tests and a subsequent preventive medical visit with the competent doctor aimed at issuing the Judgment of Suitability for the specific job.
All students are called a few months in advance of the start of their internships by the Health Area Internships and Agreements Office to make the first appointment at the Sample Center of the Campus Bio-Medico Polyclinic and the second appointment with the competent doctor of the Service of Occupational Medicine.
The health protocol applied to the students of each Degree Course varies based on the assessment of the risks to which the interns will be subjected during the internship activities; this protocol is established by the Protection and Prevention Service.
Any additional tests may be requested by the competent doctor for specific cases. In this case the student will be contacted directly by the Health Area Internships and Agreements Office to arrange the further required checks.
At the end of the process, each student will receive, in the event of a positive outcome of the surveillance, the Judgment of Suitability for the specific job (via email and/or short manuals during the visit).
The Health Area Internships and Agreements Office may at any time ask interns to send their Judgment of Suitability for possible transmission to the healthcare facilities hosting the interns.
The Judgment of Suitability for the specific job has a typical duration of three years. Only and exclusively for trainees of single-cycle Master's Degree Courses in Medicine and Surgery, Medicine and Surgery e Medicine and Surgery “Medtech” the renewal of the health surveillance process is expected during the fifth year of the course.
The mandatory training course on safety and health at work for students is managed by the University's Protection and Prevention Service ([email protected]).
All students are already called during the first year of their university career by the external company that provides the mandatory training on safety and health at work on behalf of the Campus Bio-Medico University.
There are several meetings scheduled each year, in Italian and English.
Upon completion of the course, students will be issued a Certificate of Attendance of the Occupational Safety and Health Course, which must be carefully kept for the entire duration of their university studies.
The Health Area Internships and Agreements Office may request interns to send the aforementioned certificate, for the purpose of sending it to the structures that may request it to authorize participation in the internship.
Students who have lost their certificate, or find that they have not received it despite having correctly attended the compulsory training, must write an email to [email protected] to receive a copy
Internships in the healthcare sector are managed by the University's Health Area Internships and Agreements Office. The Office is located on Floor 0 of the PRABB, in the Open Space Teaching Secretariat.
To contact the Health Area Internships and Agreements Office, you can write to [email protected] or call the numbers 06.22541-9617/9211
The Office receives every day from Monday to Friday from 09.00 to 12.30 and from 14.00 to 16.30.
As regards the content aspects of the internships and any other non-administrative issues, you can refer directly to the Coordinator of each internship.