Not only the journalist communicates but also the nutritionist and the manager of the food chain

October 10, 2021 - What is absolutely not to be missed by journalists, nutritionists and supply chain experts? Appropriate communication, capable of making specialist topics understandable to the general public.

A need that was discussed on the occasion of the VI edition of the Food Journalism Festival. L'Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma is scientific partner of the event which brought together bloggers and nutritionists from all over Italy, to discuss scientific communication and nutrition.

"Communicating science well is a need that has greatly amplified in the post-pandemic. A need that nutritionists and supply chain managers are also called upon to respond to", said prof Chiara Fanali, President of the Degree Course in Food Science and Human Nutrition UCBM.

"In parallel with the development of scientific skills, our students are also trained in popular communication to the general public"he concluded Fanali.
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