
Medicina e Chirurgia (LM-41)

The Master's Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery offers students aadequate theoretical-practical preparation in all fields of medicine. Graduates in Medicine and Surgery achieve a level of professional and operational autonomy such as to face and responsibly solve every professional problem in terms of preventive medicine, diagnostic approach, prognostic evaluation, therapeutic planning, and rehabilitation support. The new graduate acquires an adequate theoretical-practical ability in the field of internal medicine and general surgery, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, and public health. The graduate will be able to detect and critically evaluate from a clinical point of view, and in a unitary vision extended to the human and sociocultural dimension, the data relating to the state of health and disease of the patient as an individual and in relation to the population and gender to which they belong. By the end of the course, the student develops knowledge and understanding that allow them to develop and apply original ideas, in the context of biomedical and general research. Furthermore, the degree course provides the student with the ability to search for scientific information so as to be able to independently provide for their own continuing education during the course of the profession.

The single-cycle Master's Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery is divided into six years.

  • During the first three years, the student undergoes basic and preclinical training, which includes basic sciences including biology and genetics, biological chemistry, histology, human anatomy, human physiology and pathophysiology, and problems relating to the human sciences through courses in anthropology, ethics and bioethics. 
  • Starting from the third year, a training course aimed at gradual access to the study of 'clinical' subjects begins. This process is supported by the constant presence of an efficient discipline and personal tutoring system. 
  • From the fourth year the student faces the study of individual clinical disciplines, relating to internal medicine, surgery, diagnostics and public health. In parallel with the lectures, which take place both in the classroom and in the laboratories, the student carries out professional training activities under the supervision of the discipline tutors. An essential part of the internship is carried out starting from the third year, at the general practitioners' clinics. During the internships the student becomes familiar with the relationship with the patient from a human and psychological point of view, and with methods of communication with family members. Finally, through participation in meeting interdisciplinary, the student has the opportunity to appreciate and develop collaboration skills between different professions.

Doctor of general medicine

Function in a work context:

Graduates in Medicine and Surgery will be able to carry out clinical-assistance activities following registration with the medical association of the province of residence. It is possible to acquire further skills through subsequent training courses, such as at specialization schools or specific training courses.

Graduates of the Master's Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery can carry out tasks involving the development or application of original ideas, within the context of biomedical, clinical and general research independently or in collaboration with professionals from other disciplinary areas (biologists, veterinarians, technicians, etc.). In the same context they can take on coordination roles.

Skills associated with the function:

The objective of the single-cycle Master's Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery is the training of a doctor at an initial professional level with a profound methodological culture and understanding in the biomedical and psycho-social fields with a multidisciplinary and integrated vision of human health problems. and illness, with education oriented toward the community and, fundamentally, toward the prevention of disease and the promotion of health.

Methodological objectives aimed at identifying normal and pathological situations must be achieved.

  • Know the structure and normal function of the human organism as a peculiar complex biological system;
  • Know how to interpret the morpho-functional anomalies of the human organism as found in pathological conditions;
  • Know how to identify normal and pathological human behavior;
  • Recognize the main risk factors for health and disease and the interactions between patients and physical, family and social environments (human ecology);
  • Know the basic molecular, cellular, biochemical and physiological mechanisms of the homeostasis of the organism;
  • Learn about the human life cycle and the effects on the family and community of: conception, birth, growth, development, aging and death of the subject;
  • Know the etiology and natural history of prevalent acute and chronic diseases;
  • Know how to use the basics of epidemiology, health economics and health management;
  • Know how to apply the principles of drug action, knowing how to evaluate and measure the effectiveness of drug therapies;
  • Know and be able to implement the main diagnostic-therapeutic interventions in biochemical, pharmacological, surgical, psychological, social and other fields, in the cure or treatment of acute and chronic disease, in rehabilitation, and in palliative care.

Graduates in Medicine and Surgery work as surgeons in various clinical, healthcare and biomedical roles and professional fields.

The natural continuation of this training path is access to specialization schools in the medical area (which since 2014 takes place through a national competition) or to the three-year regional course of specific training in general medicine to which master's graduates in Medicine and Surgery are admitted.

Graduates can also carry out managerial roles in national and international companies and healthcare and humanitarian organisations.

President of the Course
